Solid Foods & Weaning: First Years

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24 answers

Weaning from the Bottle!

I have MANY questions about the weaning from the bottles process. HELP! I know my doctor will probably help me at his one year appointment, but I'm just wondering... 1. What age did you start this? I heard 12 months, but my son is 11 months and unless he makes super human strides in 1 month, I can't see how he'd be ready!! He LOVES his bottle! 2. Did you switch directly over to whole milk or did you mix the milk and formula at first? 3. How did you do this? Drop one bottle a day? Then two? Leaving the morning and night last? ...


Weaning off Bottle

Hello, Moms! My son just turned one and we are trying to wean him from the...


See all 162 articles
26 answers

Introducing Cereal to 3-Month-old

At our last pediatrician's appointment we were told that our son can start cereal (a tbsp or 2 mixed with his milk) at 3 months. Right now he is 11 weeks old, adjusted 5 weeks - he was 6 weeks premature. Baby is consuming breast-milk almost exclusively. Normally, I wouldn't question a doctor, but as I do my own research I'm finding that most medical experts (like the AAP) suggest delaying solids until at least 4 months. Am I missing something? Is there new research that supports earlier introduction of solids to infants? I will be...

Dishes & Utensils

See all 94 articles
5 answers

Using a Spoon

At what age do children begin using a spoon instead of their hands?


Eating with a Spoon

I have a 4 month old little boy. Recently, our doctor told me to start him...

Forbidden Foods

See all 1,223 articles
17 answers

Is First Years or Evenflo Breast Pumps Any Good?

When my son and daughter were born premature, the WIC offices where I lived provided a motorized Medella pump supplied from a medical supply store. Obviously this was very good. I know that Medellas are sold in Target but I also seen other brands. Is there an "off" brand ie, Evenflo, First Years, etc. that is comparable but without the price??


See all 415 articles
43 answers

Help with Introducing a Bottle Kinda Late in the Game...

I need some help with introducing a bottle at 4 months. It turns out that I will have to go back to work and my little one will have to take a bottle at the daycare. She absolutely refuses to take it as of now. Even with freshly expressed breastmilk. I have tried the Avent bottles and nipples, the bottle that is shaped like a breast, the NUK nipple on the medella bottle....I am at my wits end. Any advice is much appreciated.


Wants Only Fruit

Oh, I know this must be one of the most tired, reworked questions there is,...

Picky Eater

See all 36 articles
14 answers

My 13 Month Old Is Picky, picky...picky!

My 13 month old little guy is ALL boy, except for his eating habits. Ever since he's realized he can eat what mommy is eating (to a point), that is all he wants. But then when I sit him down in his high chair, he sometimes puts the food in his mouth, then spits it out. He will drink his bottles like they are going out of style as many times as he can during the day and will throw tiny fits unless he doesn't have his bottle (whole milk of course), or get whiney until we give them to him. He will eat some foods (cheerios, pastas of every...


Bottle for Newborn

Hi, I am currently 36 weeks pregnant and went shopping for necessary baby...


Very Picky Eater

My 15 month old is a ver picky eater. There are certain things she likes,...

Self Feeding & Finger Foods

See all 558 articles
14 answers

Booster Seat for Feeding

Hi Moms - My daughter has started solids, and we've been feeding her while she is in her Bumbo. That's working for now, but I know soon I'll need a better solution. We live in a small condo so I was thinking about getting a booster to put on one of our dining chairs, instead of a high chair. I was looking at The First Years Newborn-to-Toddler Feeding Seat, but I know Safety 1st also makes a bunch. Any recommendations on there on either of these? Or any other ones? Thanks!


Am I over Feeding??

My 6 wks old daughter is eating about 4oz. every 3 hours, but sometime after...


See all 415 articles
15 answers

Baby on Solids: Feeding When Not at Home

My daughter is 9 months old, and she eats solid food 3 times a day- breakfast around 8:30, lunch around 12:30, and dinner sometime between 6:00 and 7:00. I am still breastfeeding as well, and it is all going very well. My husband and I, however, are very active people and are on the go and out and about quite a bit. Our daughter is great about it. She loves going to new places and being out and about seeing new things and taking it all in. My question is- what should I do about feeding solids when we're out and about, whether it's...


Won't Eat Vegetables

Hi All, m 5 year-old daughter will not, WILL NOT eat vegetables. We have to...