My OB is adamant about me not relaxing my hair during my first trimester. I have very thick hair and my roots are crying out for straightening. Blow drying is only ...
I am currently 5 weeks prego with my second child. I was just curious as to when most of you all started showing on your second. Some of my close friends started show...
I am 12 weeks into my second pregnancy…is it normal to feel bigger and look bigger earlier the second time around? My weight is going to different places this time...
I am expecting the second baby and my daughter is 6 1/2 yesr old. She arrived two weeks early and I have been warned this will come early too!! A boy this time.
I'm just curious, how soon into your second or third pregnancy did you have to start wearing maternity pants? I'm only four weeks pregnant with my second pregnancy, ...
I was reading that for most women, the first pregnancy is a good indicator of how your later pregnancies will be. I am praying that is true because compared to my gi...
I just found out I am pregnant with child #2 and I am very excited. I am about 5 weeks. I have noticed that this time round I feel like I am full and my clothes are n...
Me and my husband are trying to get pregant with our second child and we are not having any luck. I am still breast feeding our son once or twice a day(he is 8 m...
I am about 10 weeks pregnant with my second child and my tummy is already big and i mean big like 4-5 months pregnant and i have this morning sickness first start jus...
I am 7 weeks pregnant with my second child. I also have an ovarian cyst that continues to grow every week with the baby. With my first child I didnt start showing unt...