Seafood: Toddler, Enfamil

30 articles

Mucous in Stools but No Other Symptoms

M.L. asks from New York

Hi, my 11 month old daughter has long (2 inch) strands of mucous (a dozen or so) in her stools 90% of the time. Because my son had food allergies, now outgrown, i've...


Infant Suddenly Refusing to Take Formula

J.K. asks from Los Angeles

I have a five month hold who was exclusively breastfed until about 2-3 weeks ago when he suddenly started feeding significantly more (probably a growth spurt). My su...


How Much Milk (Not Formula) to Give to an 18 Mos. Old and Snacks

M.V. asks from Chicago

Just wondering how some of you feed your 18 mos. old on a daily basis. my daughter just had her 18mos. well baby check up and she is only 19 lbs and my pediatrician j...



C.F. asks from Miami

My 13 month old daughter doesn't like to drink milk. As a matter of fact she doesn't like anything that contains dairy. I don't know what to give her so that she ca...


Breastfed Baby to Formula

A.W. asks from Cleveland

I am currently nursing my 7 month old son and wish to continue until he is about one. However, he has been waking up the past two weeks at least three to four times a...


Spitting up a Problem

D.A. asks from Boston

First off I love this site. My daughter is 3 months old 3 wks ago she had her 2 month check up and we came out of the office with gold star reviews. 2 wks later she w...


Fussy Baby at Night

A.A. asks from Chicago

My 6 week old daughter becomes fussy at night time between 8 and 10 pm. Nothing can calm her down not even holding. She cries so much that she vomits her feeding an...


3 Wk Old Slow Weight Gain (Caught in Breast/formula Conundrum)

C.L. asks from Dallas

*Long request My 3 week old daughter was born at 7.11 and with weight checks every 4 days or so has lost weight (normal, I know) to 6.14 and then gained (7.2) then...


Unhappy New Baby Help

K.W. asks from Sacramento

This is not my baby but a friends. Mom needs ideas to get this little one to stop crying 24/7 I kid you not. Baby is 4 weeks old. Mom has taken her to the doctors but...



N.W. asks from Detroit

I have a few questions regarding vitamins 1. for myself and 2. for my kids. 1. Has anyone been tested for vitamin deficiencies? If so, did your regular doctor do i...