Recurring Expenses: Miracle Blanket

6 articles

Need Family Insurance

S.L. asks from Phoenix

I am a first time mom of 2 month old triplets. I love my new role in life, and it is not possible for me to go back to work. I am worried, however, because my famil...


Need Advice on What to Get as a Baby Shower Gift

M.A. asks from Los Angeles

I was wondering what the "must have" gifts are for a first time mom. My friend shower is coming up, and she has already received all the big gifts like stroller, crib...


Back to work...Going Crazy!

D.T. asks from San Antonio

How does one deal with going back to work? My daughter is 10.5 weeks old and I'm headed back to work on Monday! Just thinking about it makes me cry! I put my older...


Breast Pumps & Other 'Must Have' Baby Gift Registry Items

J.J. asks from San Francisco

I am 5 1/2 months pregnant & beginning my baby registry. I have 2 questions: What breast pump would you recommend for a planning on breast feeding mother? What...


Recommended Baby Items for 1St Time Momma

M.C. asks from Boston

My husband and I are expecting our first child in July. This will be the first grandchild on both sides and his mom is dying to hit the store! She would like for us...


7 Weeks Old & Wants to Be Held 24/7

K.S. asks from Austin

My son is 7 week old he will only let you put him down for 5-10 min. at a time, he does have silent acid reflux. When we put him in anything (even upright in his swin...