My ten year old daugter (step) has developed small breasts, and is becoming moody and weepy. She is still small for her age, and I am wondering if you think she coul...
Help me moms!! My 5 year old daughter acts awful. I know she is only 5, but I do not appreciate her attitude and I would love some advice. She is smart, stubborn, ...
I have an 8 year old daugther with precocious puberty, and I would be interested in talking to other moms who have dealt with this to see what their experiences have ...
I gave birth to my daughter almost 13 weeks ago and I'm thrilled to say that I've been exclusively breastfeeding her since birth. I'm back to work now and I'm nuring ...
As I get older, my periods get more and more frequent. I just turned 44, have one child, and am now getting a period every 17-19 days. My gynecologist sends me for ...
My son just turned five and he is still sucking his thumb at night (with a blankie). I think it would be much easier to cease the thumb sucking if we got rid of his b...
I have just weaned my 7 month old from nursing to formula in hopes of trying to get pregnant again. I have yet to have a period since the delivery. Should I expect ...
Hello Ladies, my baby is 10, has breast buds and small hips, and she has officially entered the age of the snark. We're doing our best to remain calm and ignore dram...
Hi all - this is a bit of an odd question. I have been exclusively bfeeding my son since he was born. In July, I moved to solely pumping since it was less painful. Fo...
she has other puberty signs (body hair, acne, etc.) but very small chested also...she has been in track / cross country for a year. could that be why? should I be wor...