Pregnancy: Myself, Similac

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26 answers

Enfamil or Similac

Hi ladies, I am wondering if any of you have had the experience of using both of these brands and can help me make a decision on which to go with. I used Similac Isolmil Advanced with my daughter but just read a study that the Enfamil ProSobee Lipil has higher levels of nutrients in it than the Similac. I am so used to the name brand Similac that using something different worries me without some input. If any of you could share your experiences with me I would appreciate it! Also, just in case, I am not at all against breast feeding and...


Pregnant or Not?

We are trying for number 2. I am 5 days late and I took a pregnancy test...

Life & Relationships

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23 answers

Any Moms Concerned with Sweetener in Similac Organic Formula?

My three month old son is breast and formula fed. I've been using Similac Organic liquid formula to supplement. I eat mostly organic foods and was happy to find an organic formula, as the data about hormones/pesticides in dairy is quite scary. Recently, the NY Times published an article that raised concerns about the evaporated cane juice used as a sweetener in Similac Organic. Apparently, it is much sweeter than other formulas, even all of Similac's other products. The article questions Similac's use of the sweetener and states that this...