Anyone have a car seat, baby jogger, stroller, crib, glass baby bottles, co-sleeper....any product for a new baby.... that they love? I am overwhelmed by the choices...
Hello! I am 20 weeks pregnant and am starting to think about registering for my shower. I will probably register at Babys R Us and Target or Walmart. I really need ...
My 6 1/2 month old son weighs 19lbs 7oz, and is fast outgrowing his infant car seat. My baby has an almost 3 yr old brother, and we go out a lot to playgrounds, hikin...
I'm 17 1/2 weeks pregnant with my first boy, my third child. My youngest daughter is 5 1/2 so it's been a while since I've done the baby thing, and I have absolutely...
Hi beautiful mommies and soon to be mommies! We still have some "big" baby gear to purchase after our showers, namely car seat and stroller. We both have relatively...
I have a 5 week old baby boy and he hardly sleeps in the daytime maybe 5-8 in a 24 hour period, is that normal? He's fussy and I tried eveything to put him to sleep b...
I have not yet been on a plane with him let alone in the car for more then 2 hours!!! I need some advice. I am packing plenty of toys (of course) but I need to know...
I have a little 10 week old girl who had been diagnosed with reflux when she was 4 weeks old. She was first put on Zantac which only worked for a few days an...
Hello~ I am trying to register for my baby shower & figure out all of the necessary items we will be needing for our daughter. Money has been very tight lately, due t...
I have no idea what I need and what's the best for my buck. Can any experienced mom out there help me.. Car seat, stroller, best pumps, cribs, I have no idea what e...