Night Waking & Crying: Toddler, Nuby

Results 61-70 from 388 articles

11 Month Old Not Eating Enough Formula?

M.M. asks from Syracuse

Hi all. I am a first time mom and thought that I would try to do everything without reading any books or anything. Well...recently I have had a question and have foun...


Desperate Mom - 15 m.o. Repeated Night Wakings

M. asks from Minneapolis

My 15 m.o. has never slept through the night. He awakens anywhere from 3 - 6 times. I take complete responsibility for giving him negative sleep associations. He is...


How Much Milk and Food Does Your 10 Month Old Get?

T.S. asks from Chicago

Hi, our twins will be 10 months old on Feb. 8. We are trying to figure out what is the right amount they should be eating and drinking. Of course my husband thinks ...


Weaning My 1-Year-old

S.R. asks from San Antonio

I need help!!!!! My son is now almost 14 months, and I desperately want to wean him. The problem is, he has no intention of stopping anytime soon. He still wants t...


7 Month Old Refuses to Eat from Bottle

S.F. asks from Denver

I have a 7 month old daughter who will not eat from a bottle. I have been breastfeeding. Up until about 2 months ago, she would occasionally eat a bottle of pumped ...


Getting My 1 Year off the Bottle

L.P. asks from Dallas

My son just turned 1 last week. I would like to start weening him off the bottle as much as possilbe. For the last three days he hasn't had a bottle until night time....


Is This Normal Eating Habits for a 6 Month Old?

A.C. asks from Charlotte

My little boy is almost 7 months old and he has eaten about 6 oz of formula every 3 hours since he was about 3-4 mths old. When I took him for his 6 month check-up a...


I'm Weaning My 11 Month Old. How Do I Get Him to Drink Formula from a Cup?

A.V. asks from Great Falls

I'm weaning my 11-month-old son. It's going fairly well; my body has adjusted to only three feedings a day. My son now nurses upon waking in the morning, at noon, a...


5 1/2 Month Old Needs Sleep/food

S.H. asks from Richmond

This may sound really ignorant but I am a first time mom (for a baby) and have no parents on either side to ask these things! My 5 1/2 month old son is still not sle...


4 Month Old Will Not Take a Bottle

L.P. asks from Phoenix

I have a 4 momth old little boy who has strictly been breastfed so far and doing wonderfully. However, becasue of some family finance problems I unfortunatly need to ...