Night Time Potty Training: Toddler, Huggies

Results 51-60 from 313 articles

Potty Training

A.B. asks from Cleveland

Hello again... I just posted a post not to long ago about my 1 year old daughter not sleeping well. I was given excellent advice and recommended an awesome book to ...


HELP! My Almost 3 Year Old Daughter Will Not Potty Train! HELP!

C.W. asks from Topeka

Hello ladies, I have been potty training my almost 3 year old for almost a year now off and on. She has recently (in the last 3 months) been wearing big girl panti...


Potty Training

P.J. asks from Columbus

My 2 1/2 year old son will sit on the potty but he won't go I have tried everything from running water to putting underpants on him he just won't go in the potty any ...


HELP!! 15 Month Old Keeps Taking off Diaper!!

R.B. asks from San Diego

Hi there moms! I have a beautiful, healthy 15 month old that insists on constantly pulling down his diaper. We have tried duct tape (which was recommended online by ...


Using a Potty Chair or Not To?

S.D. asks from Las Vegas

My daughter is 18 months old. I want to start potty training her but I want to know if other moms have had better luck using the potty chair or getting one of those s...


Potty Training---where to Start??

B.T. asks from San Antonio

Hello Mom's!!! I am really at a loss here. My little guy just turned two this past Feb and I wanted to start potty training him. There are sooooo many different books...


For Nighttime Potty Training for a 4 Year Old Boy

A.B. asks from Madison

My son turned 4 in March. He was fully daytime potty trained when he was 2 1/2 years old, but still wears a pull-up at night. Almost every night he pees in the pull u...


Help with Potty Training

C.H. asks from Chicago

I am currently trying to potty train my 2 yr 10 mo old daughter (she is a twin, I am waiting on her brother until she is trained). I started Tues and she has only pee...


Potty Training......

P.C. asks from Houston

I have a question....When is it toooooo early to potty train...She just turned 2 on Jan 2..I talk to her about it and have her sit there before bath time so she can g...


Potty Training

C.E. asks from Bloomington

My daughter is now 2 years 4 months old, and so far I cannot get her potty trained. I know some people say that this is still early and not to push it. I don't push i...