Mental Health & Learning Disabilities: Nuby

19 answers

Tips on Getting Rid of the Bottle.

Hi I was wondering if anyone can give us some hints or tips on getting our almost 15 month old toddler off his nighttime bottle. He is really attached to it. All the professionals say to get him off the bottle at 14 months so we are trying do it but are struggling. We got him using a cup with a straw. Which he uses all day long. Really does not like milk out of them. So mostly water, but we keep trying the milk. We have slowly taken all the bottles away and binkie since he was one but have not done the night time one yet. He still cries for...


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40 answers

Needing to Wean One Year Old from Breastfeeding!!

My daughter turned one in January. She would never take a bottle and is just now starting to truly drink from a sippy cup. I had her down to four breastfeedings a day, and it seemed when I made the decision to start weaning her, she decided to breastfeed every two hours again!! I have finally in the last week gotten her to fewer feedings and "snacks", but I don't know how to go about doing this without it being a crying battle for her!!! Any advice would be appreciated!! OH, she will not drink cow's milk or soy milk either. She will take a...