Yesterday my son vomited in the car, all over himself and his carseat. Needless to say, it stinks. The manual says not to wash in the washing machine, so I hand washe...
Please recommend a good high chair - looking for a safe and sturdy one. We recently got one that we can strap to the chair , I don't think that would be very safe.I h...
I am looking for an everyday lightweight umbrella stroller. Any suggestions? It would be great if it folded easily. I am a first time mom and I have no clue if it's i...
I have a very active 15 month old boy, who loves to roam around the house and play with the oddest of items (VCR case, upside down step stool, plastic easter eggs, ...
I saw a very helpful thread on car seats so I thought I would ask what you use for high chairs. It is time to buy one for my little guy and I want one that is easy t...
The bag of rattles and other baby toys from my #1 has disappeared. So I want to purchase a few good toys for my daughter (3.5 months) now that she's starting to grab...
I'm looking for a light weight "shopping" stroller for my toddler. Easy to fold and unfold and throw in the trunk, travel with, etc. Until now we've had a snap n go...
Hi Moms,
I've been researching lightweight strollers that are good for travel, but none of the product descriptions mention whether the handle bars are adjustable....
I am looking at strollers for my baby-to-be, and I'm having trouble finding one that meets my specifications. I do not drive (my husband does, and so we'll get a diff...