Lemon Juice: Pack n Play

3 articles

Cleaning / Deodorizing Pack N Play

J.M. asks from Chicago

My 5 week daughter has spit up a couple of times on her mattress pad in her pack n play. I looked to see if the covering could come off and be washed, but it can't. ...


HELP...my White Shirt Has a Yellow Spot!

L.K. asks from Dallas

I used a stain remover on my white shirt and now it has a very faint yellow area.....What do I do? BTW..the white top has a dark cardigan attached to it! HELP


Suggestions for Terrible Diaper Rash

K.C. asks from Dallas

Help! My 12 mo. old son has a TERRIBLE case of diaper rash, and has for several weeks now. I have tried Boudreux's Butt Paste, Triple Paste, Flanders Buttocks Ointmen...