Our dtr is almost 4.5 and she has a skuut and a bike with training wheels. My husband would like to the training wheels off but I'm not sure. How do you teach a child...
Please help!!! For the last 2 summers I have been trying to teach my now 6 year old daughter to ride her bike without training wheels. I think her biggest obstacle ...
I've got an independent 8-year-old that keeps asking if she can go for a bike ride around the neighborhood by herself (I know she does this in hopes that she'l...
I know every kid has their own interests, but I always thought that part of growing up is learning how to ride a bike. I can even remember my Granny teaching me out i...
Is there a kid's bike with pedals that I can attach to my mountain bike and pull, but which can also function as a bike on its own once my son learns to ride a bike w...
Do I show my 3 yr old son the special bike we bought for him once he finally poops on the potty or keep it hidden until he does the deed? Will showing him, but not l...
My husband and I are trying to teach my son how to ride a bike. he does not understand forward and backward I believe. When he gets around once he pushes him feet b...
My step-daughter is going to be 5 soon and we were wondering what type of bike would be best to get her? She has a trike, and has had it for a couple of years but har...