The title says it all, but here are the details...
My six and a half year old daughter needs (in my opinion) to learn how to ride her bike. We bike a LOT as a fam...
My son just turned 9 and he does not know how to ride a bike yet. We tried last summer to teach him but he keep giving up. My 6 year old daughter can ride her bike ...
My son just turned 5. He wants to learn how to ride a bike. We took him out tonight and he leaned a lot and he was very worried about if we were going to let go. He w...
We are trying to teach our 8 y.o. daughter how to ride a two wheel bike. She cries the entire time and just feels as if she can't get it. This isn't her first time ...
Hi, I just wanted to get some input from other parents about when to remove training wheels from your child's bike. My son is almost 6 and some of his friends still u...
Hello! Has anyone used a Skuut bike? It's a bike that has no pedals and is supposed to help kids learn to balance, brake...If you liked it, where did you buy it? Thanks!
my daughter is 4 and this is going to be her first bike. Is it worth getting a more expensive bike as her first bike, knowing it will only last about 2 yrs, but will ...
Hi moms,
I am thinking of purchasing a balance bike (bike with no pedals) for my 3 year old daughter. Are there any brands you like or don't like. What about a w...
My daughter is 2, but she is about 31 1/2" tall. We know she is too short for a 12" bike, but I'm wondering how tall is tall enough for these bikes? She always want...