My daughter turned 4 months a couple of weeks ago and she is still spitting up like a fountain. when she was 2 months old, her pedi gave a prescription for reflux an...
MY one month old is colicy and only happy when I am holding him against my chest. We are using Gripe Water, but I can't change that position with him. I love the clos...
I'm so frustrated. I'm even jealous of mom's of colic babies because they only cry in the evening. She cries all day long, not a hurt cry, just and irritated, frustra...
My 3 week old baby boy will not sleep in his bassinet for more than 5-30 minutes at a time. He will sleep while my husband or I hold him for hours but as soon as I l...
My 4 week old exclusively breastfed baby boy is consistently fussy! When he is awake....he is whining, grunting and moving all around. It doesn't matter if I hold hi...
Hi everyone, this is my first time on mamasource! I am the proud mama of a beautiful 7 week old baby boy...with bad acid reflux. He is on baby prilosec but he is s...
My daughter is 5 weeks old and get's fussy starting at 6pm and lasting all night. I've tried the gas drops and someone told me about gripe water, but no luck! Is ther...
My 2 week-old daughter has gastroesophageal reflux (GER) which causes her to regurgitate a lot and makes her extremely uncomfortable. I am writing for some advice on...
Hello: My daughter is 16 months and for the past several weeks she has been dealing with constipation. She does have a bowel movement, but her stool is extremely har...
i'm about at my wits end and need some advice about colic. my month old son for about the last 3 weeks can not be put down at all or else he crys. at night it's worse...