Job Hunting: Curves

7 articles

I Need a Hobby!

S.T. asks from Dallas

I need a hobby! I read alot, mainly about parenting topics to "problem solve." I scrapbook and stamp for my WAHM job. I'm looking for something special that is...


In a Lonely Marriage....

S.C. asks from Detroit

I'm 23 years old and have been married for 1 1/2 years to a wonderful man who takes great care of myself and our 2 beautiful daughters, marianna 3 1/2, and mya 3 1/2 ...


My Dog Won't Stop Barking

K.S. asks from Kansas City

I have a beagle doschaund mix. She is about 3 years old and won't stop barking or jumping when people come to our home. We put her behind the baby gate and she will...


I'm a Huge Fashion NO NO! Need Help Please!

T.L. asks from St. Louis

Now that I have you attention. I am a huge fashion no no. Are there any websites that you can recommend where I can go buy entire outfits? I have my plaid shirt...


Baby's Growth Rate

J.E. asks from Las Vegas

Hi All, I just got back from my sons doctors appointment (regular 4 mo check up) and I am worried that my son is not developing at an appropriate rate. My doctor is ...


Getting Older

C.E. asks from New York

Hi everyone. I am 46 y.o. and lately I have been really obsessed w/aging and how I look, etc. (note: my husband of 1 year is a bit younger than me, so...) I have gain...


Failure to Thrive

S. asks from Washington DC

I took my daughter for her 18 month check up on Wednesday. The nurse practitioner examined her and since she had only gained 3 ounces since August, she ordered a uri...