Health: Myself, Hydrocortisone

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37 answers

Looking for Advice on Infant Skincare

My 5 month old daughter is very chubby and has very red, chaffed skin on the back of her knees. I'm sure it's because her legs are so chubby, but I can't find anything that helps it. I've tried Aquaphor, Vaseline, A&D, baby oil - nothing works. Does anyone have any advice? Thanks!!


Help with Eczema

My 6 month old was just diagnosed with eczema and I am trying to get his...


See all 12 articles
19 answers

Best Eczema Treatment

My son has always had bad skin. He's 20 months now and has a large circle on his left cheek that has really bad eczema (nothing anywhere else). We've been through the standard line up (Aloe, Aveeno, prescriptions, etc) and nothing seems to work. I'm waiting for the dr to call me back and hopefully prescribe a new medication but has anyone had any luck with any over the counter creams / lotions?

Diapers & Diaper Changing

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40 answers

Is It an Allergy Rash, Hypersensitivity or What???

Hello ladies: I have a 61/2 mos old boy and I'm very concern. He has developed a terrible rash, on his little butt that at this point I'm not sure what it could be. It looks like he sat on a hot plate and got a serious burn. It mildly started about 2 mos ago and I took him to the pediatrician and she said to use hydrocortisone and if it continued she thought I would eventually either have to get a hypoallergenic diaper or use cloth diapers. I originally had some diaper changes and finally decided to go back to what he has been using since...

Illnesses & Symptoms

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19 answers

Dog Has Ear Yeast Infection

My apologies for asking a doggie question, but I need some help! Once or twice a year my dog gets a yeast infection in his ear, and this time we just can't get rid of it. I'll take him to the vet if I need to, but I'd rather figure it out on our own if possible. I'll tell you what I've tried this time, and if you can think of anything else, please let me know! Thanks so much! We've tried: Monistat (I bought the suppositories by accident, so I held them in his ear until they would melt - would it be worth buying the cream to try again?) ...


"Pimples" on Butt

My daughter has pimples on her butt. She doesn't have a rash on her "areas"...


Constant Runny Nose

Hi momma's since starting preschool my DS constantly has a runny nose every...


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31 answers

Acid Mantle (Cream Mixed with Hydrocortisone) - Is It Safe?

I have a 15 month old son who has extremely sensitive skin and had horrible ezcema (sp?) since he was an infant. We found out that it was mostly caused by an allergy to pet dander so we had to give up our pug. Well, we have been using a prescription cream on him called A-Mantle since he was about 6 months old that our Pediatric Allergist prescribed (who is associated with CHOP). This cream is a hydrocortisone mixed with some other type of cream. We use it on him practically every single day (since he still has ezcema). I specifically...

Stages & Milestones

104 answers

Doc Says to Start Rice Cereal at 4 Mo

Hi moms, At my son's 4 month check up appt this morning, the doctor recommended starting rice cereal. I'm just a bit weary of this and here is why.... Brayden was born 3 1/2 weeks early, and I have noticed in the last few months that he is slightly behind in his developmental milestones- Not anything to worry about as he catches up quickly. He is also in the low percentiles for growth, but again, I was told that he is within normal limits and that it takes a little time to "catch up" when they are preemies. ALSO, Brayden also has ezcemca...


Getting Baby to Sleep

I am a single mom of a 6 1/2 month old baby and my baby started sleeping all...