You're going to see your parents. I'm sure it will be fine. Plus you have the added benefits of them knowing the ropes. We travelled to Panama when my first child was 5 months old and it was a sure joy travelling. We got first class treatment - we were escorted quickly through customs lines, boarded on the small planes first, etc, etc. I was breastfeeding, so no worries about a strong immune system, food or formula contamination. I made sure I drank only bottled water, cooked food or fresh fruits that could be peeled like bananas, papayas, etc. We did eat fresh produce without reservation in the country as the town had water issues and we were more careful there. But int he country with a constant supply of fresh, clean water, everything was delicious. We never got sick with anything on any of our trips! Our parents lived down there for 5 years.
We did avoid any vaccines as they weaken the immune system for several weeks afterwards and make you more susceptible to illness during that time including the disease you've been "vaccinated" against. Instead, we dosed up on Vitamin D, drank plenty of water, ate nutrient dense foods and made sure we had plenty of rest. This kept our immune systems strong and inspite of having to literally get on 6+ flights for each trip, we never got sick. Good and thorough handwashing is also prudent. Enjoy your time, get your baby in the sun about 15-20 minutes each day or until he starts to look slightly pink (at this point the body stops making vitamin D anyway). The rest of the time, proper coverage and shade will be all you need.