Our grandson just turned 7 and I am wondering what restrictions other mom's and grandmas put on children for use of these items. Our grandson seems to be unresponsiv...
My daughter loves to play games. We'll play cards, Candyland, Memory, puzzles... I try as much as possible to keep our tv off. My issue is with her graciousness, or l...
So, it's obvious that the schools don't teach much about these two subjects like they used to (at least not where I live). I have been teaching our 8 yr old daughter...
Starbucks Corp Chief Executive Howard Schultz is winning support for his call to withhold political contributions from U.S. lawmakers until they strike a "fair, bipar...
I have a 2 year old and a 7 week old. Tonight he got off a 12 hour shift as a manager of a popular restaurant. He would not feed the baby when I asked but went to be...
Hi Moms,
I have a 4 year old son who gets super upset (crying and all) if he doesn't win when playing a game. I keep trying to tell him that having fun is what i...
Hi, I'm looking for game ideas for our Mother's day banquet. Any ideas would be appreciated. Thanks
I should add that we will be having the banquet in a hotel.
I am wodering if there is anybody that is married to someone that plays the Xbox 360 Call Of Duty 4? I thought it would be kinda funny to see how many responses I wou...
O.K. I am a very organized person but, I am having a hard time keeping my family on board with me. We all watch organizational shows together and they say< WOW when ...
How can you motivate a high risk boy w/ADHD (though dad never thought he had it) to want to think about his future, his life? All he wants to is sit and pay violent ...