My daughter has always been a good eater but in the last couple of weeks she has been not eating as well and now seems to be constipated. She is finally now eating m...
My 1 year old daughter has struggled on and off for the past year with constipation. When she was 4 months old we had to have her disimpacted it got so bad, it was a...
I started my 4 month old daughter on a little rice cereal this week and now she's constipated. Both my and my partner's families have a history of sensitive intestin...
My daughter is 9 months old and is having a difficult time pooping. She'll push and strain and nothing comes out. It's been like this for a couple of days now. We let...
My 16 month old son has been dealing with diahrea off and on for some time now. We have been through 2 doctors and both say we just have to trial and error things wit...
I am a SAHM of three, two girls age 4 & 2 and a 8 month old son. I started him on solids @ 5 months and he loves food and I still nurse him 4 to 5 times a day. My c...
For the last week, our 16 month old has started telling us it "hurts" when she has gas, and has had a handful of screaming episodes when she's passing a bowel movemen...
I have a 7 month old who has had problems pooping for quite a few months now. Her pediatrician sent us to a GI specialist who put her on some medicine, and sai...
My soon to be 9 month old is severely constipated. This has been going on for about the past month. After no BMs for 5 days, I awoke to him screaming (in pain)...
My 6 month old son just started eating solids and has been severely constipated for several weeks. I feel so bad for him, each time he has a BM he is in so much pain!...