Foot & Toe: Toddler, Nystatin

Results 41-50 from 225 articles

Severe Diaper Rash/Yeast Infection in Toddler That Won't Go Away!

C.M. asks from Owensboro

Hi everyone, This request is my desperate attempt to find some help! My 19-month-old daughter has had a constant diaper rash of varying degrees since we switched...


Rash, Rash, Rash!!!!!

K.R. asks from Los Angeles

Where do I begin? I took Bella into the pediatrician's office for what I thought was sever diaper rash. Her doctor sent me home with medication for a yeast infectio...


4 1/2 Year Old Daughter Often Red and Sore Vaginal Area

V.P. asks from Canton

My 4 1/2 year old daughter has been complaining that her "private area" is sore, and when I look at her, it is very red. She is also going to the bathroom very often...


14Month Old W/ Diaper Rash

A.S. asks from Miami

My daughter is 14 months old, and has really never had diaper rash, even since newborn. Maybe a handful of times that cleared up within a day or so. However, the last...


Bad Toddler Diaper Rash

L.N. asks from Dallas

My daughter has had the worse diaper rash off and on for over a month. I called the pediatrician and spoke to the nurse twice and do what she says, then it gets bette...


Daughter with Terrible Diaper Rash

T.K. asks from Scranton

My daughter has had a very bad diaper rash that keeps coming and going. I have tried a couple of things but nothing is helping in the long term. She just squeals wh...


Daughter's Stubborn Rash

J.W. asks from Columbus

My daughter has a stubborn rash on her bottom. It is on her cheeks and a little on the back of her upper thighs. We started putting Maalox/Aquafor goop on it, becau...


My Son Has a Bad Rash

J.K. asks from Davenport

My son is eighteen months old and he is still in his diapers. We can only use huggies, that's all that we could find that will not give him a rash. We change his diap...


Seeking Advice on Chronic Diaper Rash

A.Z. asks from Chicago

My son has been getting recurrent diaper rashes that are terrible! I have tried every diaper cream out there, Triple Paste, Desitin, A&D, Balmex, But Paste, Aveeno, C...


Rash,, Can Anyone Help. Thanks

L.R. asks from Toledo

My 5month son has had a yeast infection since he has been born, It was never bad and we always kept in under control. Well last tuesday he had bumps on his belly and ...