First Aid: Preschooler, Benadryl

Results 21-30 from 39 articles

My Daughter Had a Allergic Reaction to a Bee Sting.

P.K. asks from Los Angeles

My 6-year-old daughter was stung by a bee on Sunday. She broke out in hives all over her body and her' throat felt lumpy'. We were told by her doctor that she had a...



L.S. asks from Dayton

My 8 year old son in covered in hives from head to toe. I took him to the doctor yesterday and they were not able to give me much advice. He does have alot of allergi...


Allergy to Mosquito Bites

K.S. asks from Toledo

My daughter seems to react very badly to mosquito bites. The site swells up dramatically and gets really red. Of course, then she starts to itch and usually scratches...


Ant Bite Cures?

E.C. asks from San Antonio

I recently was reading cures for mosquito bites and was wondering if anyone knew if the salt trick worked for ant bites. My son is highly allergic and we struggle wit...


In Home Child Care - What to Ask Mom?

J.L. asks from Pittsburgh

I am a SAHM my to my 2 yr old daughter and my 10 month old son. In September, I am going to start watching a 2 yr old L. boy in my home. The mom and I have already di...


Tips for Disney with Young Kids

A.B. asks from Grand Rapids

Hi There, My parents are taking my whole family to Disney in a few weeks. This is awesome, except that my kids are little young for it. They are 4, 2 and 10 mont...


Toddler with Milk and Egg Allergy

T.E. asks from Detroit

We just found out that my 2 year old son has a milk and egg allergy. He was diagnosed with EE (Eosinophilic Esophagitis)and GERD. The EE is caused usually from a fo...


What to Bring for a 1 Year Old

K.P. asks from Seattle

Hi - I love this site and use it alot! I now have a question for all you experience moms traveling with little ones! We are leaving in a week to travel back Ea...


Rash on My Toddler's Chin/ Mouth

E.F. asks from San Diego

My 2 year old has had a rash that worsens after he eats. I've searched for what is causing it and have been thinking that acidic foods- ketchup, tomato sauce is the c...


Seeking Advise About Rotting Teeth in 2 Year Old

G.N. asks from San Francisco

My daughter is going to be 2 in May and we just discovered that her back upper molar is rotting. Her first trip to the dentist revealed that she has 3 cavities and t...