I have returned to work and i am pumping during the day. My supply has gone down from 4oz each side to 2oz each side 4 times a day. I dont know what i can do or is ...
I just gave birth to my first child last week and had a visit with our new pediatrition yesterday. I was told that my daughter has her "tongue tied" where the frenulu...
I have been struggling to get my milk supply up- my baby is about 7 weeks old and not a great nurser, plus I think my supply is just low to begin with. I'm seeing a l...
I just had my second child, a boy on Jan 31st. We got off to a pretty rough start with breastfeeding partly due to how small he was when he was born. I had to supplem...
My fourth baby was born 5 weeks ago. He is a very sweet and beautiful and BIG baby boy. I have never had problems with nursing with any of my other 3 kids, but this o...
My sitter attributes a leaky bottle to old nipples. What's the general lifespan of nipples? Does it change based on type? Does it change based on how you wash it (dis...
I am asking this question for my daughter. She delivered her baby just over 8 weeks early. From the start, she was interested in nursing so began the pumping immedi...
I am 32 having my first child in May. I have decided to have an epidural and I would like to breast feed. Does anyone have any suggestions on reading material to know...
I had my baby girl at 28 weeks. We aren't sure why yet, but they told us it was due to drops in her heart rate. After delivering, I started pumping right away. I did ...
i was wondering if theres a way to get my nipples ready for breast feeding im scared that it will be to painful and i wont do it. i heard about like washing with a ro...