Dear J.,
I had to quit breastfeeding my son when he was six weeks old because my breastmilk was making him very gassy and giving him lots of stomach problems. I tried everything even changing my diet so extremely that I was basically just eating bread and water. I had a wonderful pediatrician and the support of many friends who pointed out that even one week of breastfeeding provides alot of beneficits to babies.
I was pumping my breasts full time because he wouldn't latch on properly and let me tell you, it was very rough on my breasts and on me. The logistics of hauling the pump around, sterilizing the pump parts everytime, etc. was a nightmare.
I bottle now and I can guarantee it is a much better experience for my baby and me than breastfeeding because it would take me 5-10 minutes to try to latch him, then he wouldn't latch on right on all the while he was screaming his little lungs out because he was so hungry. I was totally stressed out and so was he. I saw several lactation consultants with no luck.
I have made the decision to be a stay at home mom. He is now 4 months old, above average in weight, and extremely healthy. He's never been sick once. So it shows that quitting breastfeeding early was not so bad after all. In an ideal situation, breastfeeding until babies are 1 year old is the best, but moms need to remember that everyone is different and some of us struggle alot more than others.
Good luck with your decision and feel good about the 10 weeks you did breast feed.