Ear Drops & Bulbs: Toddler, Saline Drops

Results 1-10 from 271 articles

My 2 Month Son Is Very Congested!!

E.F. asks from Phoenix

Hello. My newborn son is about a week from 2 months now...and is very congested. Although he is my 3rd child I can't seem to get him to get rid of his congestion! I...


3 Month Old with Cold

S.H. asks from Austin

I have a 3 month old who has a really bad cold. She has a cough and stuffy nose. I have tried the saline nose spray for the stuffy nose and it has not helped. I asked...


Prevent a Cold Leading to Ear Infection

M.V. asks from San Francisco

Hi, My 8 month old daughter is running an ear infection now. She had one last month as well. I am just wondering if there are any precautions that can be taken whe...


18 Month Old Baby with Severe Nasal Congestion

T.P. asks from Salinas

Hello Moms, I was hoping someone had a secret remedy for severe nasal congestion. My 18 month old daughter has severe congestion. It is deep in her sinuses and she do...


My 17 Month Old Can't Get Rid of Her Cold

K.H. asks from Spartanburg

My daughter is 17 months old and she just started daycare. We have been struggling with a cold for about two weeks now. She had gotten better for a few days than it c...


Ear Tubes

M.R. asks from San Francisco

My son is 33 months old and has had ear infections on (mostly) and off since August. He's been on 4 or 5 rounds of antibiotics and I don't want to give him any more. ...


Seeking Cold Remedy for a 19 Month Old?

I.M. asks from San Francisco

My daughter has a very bad cold and her nose is blocked with thick mucus which refuses to come out. She is 19 month old, and her fever has subsided so I stopped givin...


Ear Infections

J.H. asks from Norfolk

My daughter is 13 months old and has 3 ear infections. It may not seem like a lot, but it has been in the last 4 weeks, back-to-back. After getting antibiotics one af...


Sleep and 15 Month Old

A.S. asks from Albany

My daughter just turned 15 months this past week. She is just starting to walk. About 3 weeks ago, she started to wake up every night at 3am, we did everything and ...


Toddler Has Cold Now for a Month!!

L.H. asks from Albuquerque

Hello! My 2 year old son has had a cold with a dry cough and nonstop running nose. He doesn't have a fever, but sleeping is hard for him because of the cough. My c...