Diarrhea: Toddler, Maalox

Results 11-20 from 139 articles

Seeking Help with a Scalded Butt from Too Much Diarrhea

L.B. asks from Houston

Help! My 6 month old granddaughter just got out of the hospital after a terrible bout of stomach flu. She lost 1.3 lbs in 24 hrs. Now that she is better, she has the...


Severe Diaper Rash - 18 Month Old Boy

C.J. asks from Detroit

My son has a severe diaper rash. He is 18 months old. It seems to get worse every day for over a week now. His skin is bleeding in several places. I have put diap...


13 Month Old Son Has BAD Diaper Rash - Please Help!

T.C. asks from Dallas

My 13 month old son has just developed a bad diaper rash. The skin in his diaper area is red and looks swollen even his genitals. He seems to be in A Lot of pain, h...


3 Month Old Teething??

M.B. asks from St. Louis

My baby will be 3 months old next Friday. This week he has been kinda drooling and slobbering and a little more fussy than usual. I "think" I feel something coming ...


Help with 4 Month Old Feeding Issues

L.B. asks from Kansas City

Hey mamas! I need some major help here. I have a four month old baby that, not be mean, has been a MAJOR challenge since she was born. I have a 2 year old also so ...


9 Month Old Has a Diaper Rash

M.B. asks from Atlanta

hi ladies. My little girl has her first diaper rash. It's on her front side and really itchy. I have been trying to wipe her and dry her off and let her air out a b...


9 Month Old's Sore Bottom

J.F. asks from Chicago

My 9 month old has an extremely sore bottom. He is teething and has been having frequent bowel movements that are somewhat liquidy. Consequently he has been getting...


4 1/2 Month Old Has Been Constipated Since Birth, Tried Just About Everything!

W.C. asks from Salt Lake City

My son has had trouble w/ bowel movements since birth. I've been supplementing with formula since his first week (since my milk never fully came in). On his pediatric...


7Th Old Daughter Has Sore Bottom

S.G. asks from Davenport

my daughter woke up and has had diarrhea all dayand now her bottom is sore and I thought maybe if she took a bath it would help but it seems to put her in more pain w...


My Son Has Really Bad Diaper Rash!

L.F. asks from Charlotte

My 1 1/2 yr old son keeps getting a bad diaper rash every few dys. It seems as soon as one heals another appears. He gets pretty red all down there and has some diar...