Costumes & Make Believe: Toddler, Diaper Covers

Results 41-50 from 361 articles

I Need Advice on My Soon to Be 4 Year Old Daughter and Her Behavior

E.V. asks from Seattle

Normally, I enjoy staying at home with my soon to be 4 year old little girl, but lately, her behavior has caused great concern. I don't know if her behavior is norma...


Cloth Diapers. Never Used Them but Really Want to with New Baby..... Help!

T.C. asks from Birmingham

Hi Mommies! I am really wanting to use cloth diapers for my new baby coming in December. I have two other children that I was never bold enough to dare try cloth, but...


Nightime Potty Training

M.F. asks from Los Angeles

My 3 yer old is potty trained except for when she sleeps. I have cut her off from drinks at 7, then 6. And in the moring she is still soaked. Before we did the pot...


2 Year Old Wetting the Bed

R.R. asks from San Francisco

I know it's normal for a 2 year old to wet the bed, but my daughter isn't even in underwear yet. Before she goes to sleep for both bedtime and nap time she takes off...


A Disposable Diaper Question

E.B. asks from San Francisco

We use cloth diapers for our 2 year old. She hasn't had a disposable on since we came home from the hospital. We have decided to use seventh generation diapers for ...


What Are Things You Wish You Had or Had Not Gotten in Preparation for 1St Child

M.N. asks from Redding

DH and I are expecting our first baby in April and we are very much minimalists. We live and work on a 60 acre sustainable farm and as of right now we have a pretty s...


Little Girl Panties

M.B. asks from Tampa

Does anyone know where I can find panties small enough for an 18 month old? My daughter is in the potty training process, and no I'm not pushing her she started on he...


3Yo Daughter with Asperger's That Refuses to Potty Train.....

C.G. asks from Eugene

I don't know what to do with her. She is 3 1/2 and so smart, but I think the Asperger's may be why she refuses to potty train, it's like she's not even interested in ...


G-diapers with a Doubler?

J.E. asks from Rockford

I'm planning on using cloth diapers with my baby. I was told g-diapers made great covers that didn't leak, and just to use them with a prefold instead of the flushabl...


Does Mrsa Ever Go Away?

L.S. asks from Pittsburgh

So this past summer my daughter, then 18 mths got a terrible diaper rash wihile we were at the beach and it ended up being mrsa. She took the antibiotics and it went ...