Child: Preschooler, Nystatin

Results 51-60 from 97 articles

Itchy Bottom

L.B. asks from Phoenix

My son (1 1/2) gets really itchy skin on his back side from his waist down to his butt cheeks. I've tried lotion and Vaseline. The lotion doesn't help at all and th...


What to Do with a 3 Yr. Old with a Possible Yeast Infecton?

J.B. asks from Cleveland

My daughter has had what seems to be diaper rash down there, but she doesn't wear diapers, so I'm suspicious. She's complained of itching for about 4-5 days...we've t...


4 1/2 y.o. Having Accidents

A.J. asks from Atlanta

My 4 1/2 year old has started having several accidents - at least 2-3 times a week. It occurred several months ago and we assumed it was just a phase, perhaps that he...


My 7 Year Old Daughter Is Having Vaginal Discharge

J.S. asks from Enid

recently my 7 year old daughter complained that her "booty" was crusty. since she occasionally gets itchy and rashy "down there" from not wiping good enough, i assum...


Horrible Diaper Rash

T.H. asks from Topeka

My daughter who is one has a horrible diaper rash. She usually gets these when she is teething. It is so bad that it bleeds. I feel so bad for her. I have tried balme...


Test for Immature Urethra??

H.V. asks from Charleston

My daughter is almost 3 and had a bladder infection/UTI. Her pediatrician set up a test called a VCU....something - at MUSC to test for a possible immature urethra. ...


Thank You!

K.R. asks from Boston

Thank you so much for all the great advise. Very happy to be a member of mamasource. Dillon's rash is getting better with Ammens powder. I will remeber all the gre...


5 Y/o with Chronic Yeast Infections

A.B. asks from Dallas

Hi Moms, I have a 5 y/o girl, fully potty trained day and night who gets regular yeast infections. She has always had very sensitive skin and gets them at least eve...


Fungal Infection in 17 Month Old

L.S. asks from San Francisco

Hey 17 month old has struggled with what I thought was diaper rash for several weeks. We went to the doctor several days ago and she was diagnosed with a ...


Diaper Rash

M.H. asks from Chicago

My baby just got a diaper rash, it's really red and looks bad, I change him often so I don't know how it happened and diaper rash cream doesn't help,any suggestions?