Child Sleep Issues: Infant, Carters

Results 11-20 from 30 articles

Clothing Suggestions for My "Chunk of Love" Baby

H.L. asks from Dayton

My infant daughter is wonderfully healthy... and off the charts for her age. She's almost a year old & over 25 pounds! Her chubby legs and arms are adorable - we ca...


Advice for Getting My 6 Mo Old to Sleep Without Being Swaddled

E.J. asks from Seattle

My almost 6 month old son still needs to be swaddled to sleep. I am looking for some advice or tips to get him used to sleeping without his arms swaddled. I wasn'...


My Baby Is an Extremely Light Sleeper

L.E. asks from Eugene

my daughter has always been a pretty heavy sleeper. my son on the other hand, is not. we cosleep and i am attachment parenting solo-mama. (aka single mother...) if i ...


SIDS Worry

K.G. asks from Los Angeles

I've been having my 6 week old little girl sleep in a pack and play in our bedroom since we brought her home from the hospital. We have a blanket under her head as a...



A. asks from Chicago

Hi Moms! I've been swaddling my 15 week old daughter at night and she sleeps BEAUTIFULLY. However, she is getting very big and no longer fits in the SwaddleMe wra...


Gift for Preemie?

P.C. asks from Los Angeles

Hi there - a close friend just had a very premature baby. I was wondering if any other moms out there had preemies and what gifts they found the most useful. he is b...


Too Young for a Lovey?

K.B. asks from Detroit

my 4 month old has sleeping issues and i think giving her a little stuffed animal to pet would be soothing to her and help her fall asleep. my dh, on the other hand, ...


Winter Clothing for My Newborn - What to Buy and How to Dress

M.R. asks from Chicago

Hi all, I am expecting my baby in October and need advice on how to dress her during the Winter. She'd be hardly 1-4 months then, and Chicago has bad winters. What st...


Advice for a Freind

S.B. asks from Indianapolis

Hello everyone, I am wanting to make a "book" of advice for a friend who is about 5 months pregnant with her first child as a baby gift, however since I am a new mom...


Mylicon Drops for Infants

J.C. asks from Casper

I am considering trying these Mylicon drops for my 3 week old DS. I was wondering if anyone else had used them and to what success. It says on the package that it w...