Thank you, to the 30 of you who shared your stories about your inductions with me a few days ago.
I had my 38 week appointment yesterday and not only am I a cm di...
We are moving to Garfield Hts in a few weeks and I need a new doctor for Maria and one on the way. I am also looking for a good OB-I love my current doctor and am wi...
I am a childbirth educator and I am calling for some feedback on your births. More specifically about your relationship with your MD and or Midwife regarding such th...
Thank you so much for all your replies. For reasons I cannot discuss she cannot apply for Medicaid so we will look into the pre pay plan at the hospitals. Thanks again.
Would you rather have an epidural during delivery? I have heard so many contradicting things, I can't decide if I would just rather grin and bare it.
Also, my doctor...
i am 40 wks with #2. first one came smoothly on my due date a few years ago. my Md wants to induce on tues . in the end, decision is mine, as no medical complications...
Hey there, mommies & mommies-to-be...I need some advice. I'm 36 1/2 weeks prego, and our baby girl is breech. They are not expecting her to turn either, so have alr...
I'll be 33 weeks this week, and as the day gets closer I have more and more people ask me if I'm going to do it natural . To me, I don't understand the big deal. Does...
Hi everyone! I am expecting baby#2 in July (A GIRL!!) and my doc has left the decision to me about the upcoming delivery. With my first child (vaginal) I tore very ba...