Checkup: BOB

Results 31-40 from 94 articles


J.V. asks from Raleigh

I have a 15 month old and she has not had her 12 month old shots....which includes the MMR shot (Mumps, Measles, & Rubella). I have heard sooo many stories about this...


Seeking Advice About Delayed/selective Vaccine Scheduling

R.W. asks from Los Angeles

I am looking for information and advice about delayed/selective vaccine scheduling. Currently we are splitting his immunizations, in other words we gave him 2 out of...


20 Mnth Old Does Not Speak

D.H. asks from Providence

Hi Everyone! Just wondering if anyone has any advice...My son just turned 20 months old and does not speak at all. He just points to what he wants and comes over to...


Concern About Slow Weight Gain for 9 Month Old Daughter

L.C. asks from San Francisco

Hi everyone, I am a little concerned about my 9 month old daughter's slow weight gain. Yesterday we had her 9 month checkup and her weight was "only" 16 lbs. 12oz,...


I Need opinions...advice...something!

S.H. asks from Killeen

Monhinkday was my birthday but all of our kids had baseball games so my hubby planned a night out for us last night instead. My 8 had a game last night so my mom took...


Baby Doll for Little Boy

A.M. asks from New York

For those of you with little boys...did or do they have a doll? (A boy doll I am thinking...) My 15 mo. old does not, but his pediatrician asked if he role plays ...


Tic disorder/Tourette's?

H.L. asks from Burlington

Our 6-year-old daughter has developed a neck jerk that is very pronounced. Literally, she throws her head back, usually a few times in succession. If I even tried to ...


Vaccination Debate

S.B. asks from Gainesville

Hello moms. I have been reading up on and researching a bit on the vaccines...and was surprised by how much controversy there is. I know they say there is a link to a...


Alternative Vaccine Schedule

V.E. asks from Chicago

does anyone have an alternative vaccine schedule they were happy with? i do want to immunize but only 1 or 2 max at a time. my doctor is completely open and i did do ...


Feeling Discouraged, Need Help/advice

A.B. asks from New York

Hi there. I'm writing this as I feel as though I"m at my wit's end. Not sure what I'm asking of you, guess I'm just feeling the need to vent. I have 2 sons, ages 6 an...