My son who is 10 weeks old has a flat head. He also tends to keep his neck turned to the right. So, my pedi said he might have to wear a helmet and go to physical th...
My baby girl is 2 1/2 months old. She will NOT sleep unless I am holding her (during the day). At night she does great. She goes down about the same time and sleep...
I'm a soon-to-be 1st time gramma and wanted to make sure my daughter had some great things to help her
transition into parenthood with the new baby. Is ...
I'm expecting my first baby and wanted to ask other moms where they registered for their baby shower. I know Babys R' Us is great. Is there any other store you would...
Please help my 4 week old will not stay asleep when I lay her down. She sleeps fine as long as we hold her. She will not sit in her bouncer or swing she just screams ...
Hi mamas!
I have two munchkins that broke the bank - I bought everything "they" said I needed and then some. With the economy the way that it is, is there anything ...
I am 5 1/2 months pregnant & beginning my baby registry.
I have 2 questions:
What breast pump would you recommend for a planning on breast feeding mother?
I don't get on here much anymore since my baby was born. He's not a good daytime sleeper. I take the blame, since I hold him as much as possible, he hasn't l...
Help! My 4 week old only wants to sleep on people! He won't sleep in his co-sleeper, swing, or crib. I put him down after making sure he's in a deep sleep only to ...
My son is 2 months old and he will not sleep in his cribe. He will only sleep on me or on his stomach which I have to watch him all the time. He can be in a good sl...