My 8 year old grandson has been diaignosed with possible Bi-polar disorder. My son has not really received a diffent diaignose but he is very concerned. They want t...
I have a 14 year old son that has been daignos with Bi-Polar.He been fighting depression since he was 6 year old and been on medicine most of his life. I just need to...
I just had my 5 year old son diagnosed with Bi-polar and O.d.d.(opsitional difiance disorder)And was wondering if anyone knew if these where concidered to be a disabi...
I'm looking for advice on how to handle my bi polar son. Both my children have bi polar disorder and my son is the hardest to deal with. I should have also said, th...
My 11 yr old son has been on a bi-polar medicine for close to a year now. He was diagnosed then being bi-polar. It will be a year in A./May. Anyway, he has gained ...
I have been married for almost 9 years. When my we had our first child, I noticed my husband changing. When our son was about 9 months old, I found out my husband w...
Anyone out there that has a child with adhd and bi polar disorder?I need some help, my son has anger issues, his dr tell's him to hit a pillow, but sometime's he hit'...
I am seeking input from moms who have been through this and know the signs and behavior of a bi-polar teen or child. I know what they say on the pamplets but I need m...
My 9 yr old is having a hard time and I am considering trying different meds, or just upping his dose of his current med. Anyone deal with this? He was diagnosed earl...