
Updated on February 05, 2007
T.D. asks from Glendale, AZ
6 answers

I just had my 5 year old son diagnosed with Bi-polar and O.d.d.(opsitional difiance disorder)And was wondering if anyone knew if these where concidered to be a disability by the state.I work in a daycare and he comes with me to the daycare but because of his problems I might lose my job.I can't afford to pay someone to watch him so I wanted to put him somewhere else until next year when he goes to school all day.Thank you for any suggestions.God Bless you all ...T.

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answers from Phoenix on

My son is now 15 years old. Of course he was diagnosed at the age of 4 with ADD/ADHD and OCD. Never diagnosed with Bi-Polar at that time. My son had been in many different schools as well as Daycares because of his behavior. I never wanted to put him on meds becuase I didn't want him looking like a zombie. Because of the ignorance that I did not putting him on meds, my son got into things that I couldn't control and getting into ALOT of truoble. Well of course 11 years later he was dianosed with BI-Polar so I started him on meds. Now becuase of my ignorance back then my son is doing time in a juvenile facility for 1 year.
My suggestion get him on meds immediately. My son is now on Clonodine. I know it's scary, but do yourself a favor. I wish when my son was younger I would of done it.
About your question, You call Social Security and depending on how much money total monthly income is, He can receive SSI. I made too much money to take advantage of that. GOOD LUCK!!!



answers from Phoenix on


What part of the valley are you in? I live close to Metro mall area and I have a support coordinator who is right around the corner from me. Has your son been to any pre-schools other than your daycare? There are wonderful special needs preschools that he can get into before he starts Kindergarten. There are also wonderful summer day programs (paid by the state) that help when school is out. The time is now to start looking for those too. Which doctor diagnosed your son, he should be able to get you plugged into the right outlets. The state provides many services like respite and habilitation which are sanity savers! If you have any other questions, feel free to email me. God Bless you!



answers from Phoenix on

Hi T.;

My name is C. and have helped many with issues you are dealing with. My friend Maggie has a 11 year old son that got life changing reslults in less than a month. You need to hear about this and Maggie's story. You can call me after 6PM or e-mail me with your address for more information.

C. H



answers from San Diego on

Bi polar is like depression but a little diff have you check with his school they may be able to help or which state are you in? My son has epilespy and goes to school in AZ for free but I can try to help you if you let me know what state you are in.



answers from Phoenix on

My brother was diagnosed as bi-polar about two years ago, so I have done much research on the topic. I find it difficult to believe they can diagnose someone so young with this. I would seek a second opinion.



answers from Phoenix on

Hi, T.. I'm sorry you're having such a rough time with your son. I had my 6-year-old son tested for ODD myself, and so I know a little bit about those kinds of behavioral disorders. I am also bipolar and have anxiety issues and I am currently receiving disability benefits for those. I don't know if the state would grant benefits for a child with the condition, but it certainly would be worth a try.

Please feel free to send me a message if you have questions about details or need someone to talk to. Blessings to you and your family.

~ R.

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