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9 answers

German Shepard with EPI and IBS

I have a german shepard that will be two years old at the end of the month. Her name is Kayla and is sweet as can be. First time I have ever bought a dog from a breeder. Kayla was almost four months old when we brought her home. Seemed to be healthy, lord did I know when I got her home she kept having loose stool. Vet checked her for worms she was positive. Got that cleared up, still having the loose stool. Did lots of test come to find out after all the test plus surgery she has EPI and IBS. During her surgery they found her...


Is Is ADD or What?

My 9 year old has recently been diagnosed with ADD. Since the end of her...


Is It ADD?

I have been having a lot of problems with my middle daughter. She is almost...

ADD/ADHD Resources

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10 answers

Peanut/Nut Allergies Lack of Support from Moms at School

My son has peanut & nut allergies. We recently enrolled him in a new school (he is in Kindergarten). The teacher sent a note to all the parents in the class that on snack day, ,no one should send snacks that contain nuts or peanuts so that my son is not exposed to this allergen. My son cannot eat anything with peanuts and nuts or if he touches something that has any bit of nuts or peanuts and then rubs his eyes he can have a full blown allergy attack which may include his throat closing. There is a Benedryl and an Epi-pen in the...


Is Is ADD or What?

My 9 year old has recently been diagnosed with ADD. Since the end of her...