I am 8 weeks pregnant and have horrible headaches. I do not want to take Advil or anything similar. Do you have any thing that you could make them go away.
I am only 7 weeks along and I wake up every 4 to 5 hours to go to the bathroom. I have historically had some difficulty going back to sleep but now it is becoming a n...
My brother and his wife have been trying to conceive for over a year now and just found out the reason they have not been successful is because she has endometriosis....
Well here it is miscarriage #3, really not bad at all this time, other than not being able to sleep, because of all the "thinking" at 4 am about all the things I plan...
Hi mamas,
I am devistated. I have had two miscarriages between 6 and 8 weeeks in the last year. Since, I have had every test you can imagine including my husband a...
has any one taken paquinel (anti-malrial) for lupus and saw resutls? just started and I know it can take 2-3mo on the meds but i am just not feeling sure about taking it!
I've run the gamut of prescription meds and over-the-counter. Anyone have a "tried and true" method to get rid of a migraine? This one is going on 3 days.
Tried IUI for 3 cycles. Miscarried in Oct. 08, tried 2 more cycles and took a break. While I'm 41, husband 51, they suggested we consider IVF when we start again. Can...
My husband and I are trying to conceive our second child (we have a 18 month old girl). I went off the pill in May and I have yet to have a cycle. I went in to my D...
Hi - I'm pregnant with baby #3, who is due July 20 ish of this year. Anyone had any success or experience with do it yourself labor induction? Dh is out of town unt...