People Please, if you personally know someone who coupons consistently to this extreme, would you please speak up. Its Exaggerated for television. If you want to get all indignent, how about those shows like Sweet Sixteen when Parents throw a party for their teen that costs more than my wedding, or how about that show Cribs that shows off millionares houses, who need 34 bathrooms with tennis courts in them. These things don't represent the majority of the population.
If you are curious about couponing, check out some blogs and learn more about your stores policies and research how to legitamately use coupons. There are coupons for organic items, and there are many many non food items that assume most people spend money on monthly. If you tuned in to try to learn how to save money, then take what you can from the show that fits your lifestyle and move on.
Do i think it is quality television? no but there is a heck of alot of other garbage out there too.