I just learned... that I am not alone... nor a "crazy" Mom... either.
That we ALL go through similar things, with our kids or Husbands or family. That we all have.... icky in-laws or relatives being bossy or situations that are not ideal... or that we are not all full of money and live in bliss.
And that... sometimes, the only time I get "appreciation" or recognition for everything... is from MamaPedia... and all the Moms, that are kind enough to give Flowers. And how that in itself... can make you feel validated and like a normal "nice" person... amidst your kids or Husband who do not always necessarily "appreciate" who you are.... because, being a "Mom"... is a behind the scenes worker.... who is not always seen nor appreciated and we are often "invisible" to the very ones whom we care for daily.
I get more "Flowers" here... than from my own Husband of 13 years!
Its also great... knowing that I am not the only Hamster on a Ferris wheel... going on and on and on in my day, without sanity and with stress! And that others have imperfect kids too... more so on some days than others. And that I am not perfect... but its okay.
I try my 'best'...
all the best,