One thing I started with my hubby was putting SHMILY all over. SHMILY stands for See How Much I Love You. Here is the story I read before I started it with him...
It is a very touching story!
All I have to do to remind him that I think of him and that I love him is write SHMILY anywhere! I have written in the mirror after I got out of the shower so when he steams it up next it shows up. I have written it with Hershey Kisses and rose petals on his pillow. If you find something that reminds you of him put it somewhere and write a post it or whatever that says SHMILY. I have even written it on a piece of paper and put it in his lunch... DO NOT put it in a ham sandwich like I did! Oooops- he ate half of it! We have been doing it for 12 years now. We even named our first dog SHMILY... well actually our son did! Sometimes I will just call and leave voice mails with a song and then say SHMILY at the end. I have sat him down and told him I am giving him a SHMILY and then rubbed his feet and back!
You can come up with TONS of ways to be creative with it! Of course he would have to read the story behind SHMILY too... I framed it for us! Who knows... he may love the idea so much he may even give you SHMILYs too!
Whatever you do if you do it with your heart he will know that you appreciate him and all he does for your family! I think it is awesome that you want to recognize him for it!
Many blessings to you and yours!