Try the flat belly diet, and watch I Can Make You Thin on Sunday nights on TLC (I can't remember what time it's on, like 8 or 9, I think). The show is really revolutionary- I mostly just tuned in because I was like "how can a TV show help people diet" but really, I was like "wow, this really works!" And try to catch the reruns of the first few episodes. As for the flat belly diet, I would follow some of the food recommendations, but still follow the rules of the show. The flat belly diet focuses on eatting healthy fats that actually help you get rid of that fat most of us moms have trouble with around the belly, while also addressing our every day habits that make us bloat. But I think the key for moms, esp as we get older, is in general NOT to diet but to just adapt a healthy new lifestyle, and that's one thing I love about the show- it's really anti diet. I'L. give you a preview- in the first show he talks about the four rules, the heart of his program. They are 1) Eat when you're hungry, 2) Eat what you want, 3) Eat conciously (don't watch TV, don't read a magazine, don't do anything else. Enjoy your food, eat slowly, put your fork down after every single bite, and chew each bite as long as you can and really THINK about how good the food is- this is my favorite, because the next day I had a grilled cheese and I had never realized how rediculously yummy grilled cheese is, and I was fuller and more satisfied- this also makes you eat less) and 4) Stop when you think you might be full- apparently this is the hardest thing for some people and he suggests (I didn't do this) eatting for a few meals with your eyes shut so you don't know how much food is left on your plate. But he says if you THINK you're hungry, stop, but if you're hungry in ten or twenty minutes, eat more! I love it. Good luck!