Hi W.,
I know exactly what you are up against. My daughter was absolutely hooked on her binky. She also used it only in the crib, but she was very, very attached to it. Any attempt to remove it resulted in hysterics and screaming until she made herself sick. I thought she would go to college with her binky because I could not see her giving it up. Granted, we let her have it until after her second birthday, so your child is much younger. She is now 28 months old and binky-free!
We decided to wait until age two to wean her from the pacifier because it was such a comfort to her, and neither her pediatrician nor her pediatric dentist were worried about it (I believe this becomes a concern around age three or so). Crying it out was too upsetting for all of us, the "binky fairy" concept did not work, and she wasn't interested in giving her binky up to another baby who needed it more than she (all of these methods were recommended to me--I posted on this subject a while back). What eventually worked was this: I cut a small hole in the tip of the pacifier so there was no longer any suction. As time went on, I cut it shorter and shorter every few weeks until all that was left of the nipple was a stump. Eventually, she just held the binky as a comfort while she slept. A week or so ago, she told me that she did not want it in her crib at all. So far, so good. Looking back, I wish I had not worried so much about this. They will give it up when they are ready. It is just up to you to decide if earlier or later is a better time to make the break. Good luck!