Just say, you're a big girl, here is your cup, then distract :-)
So, we were going without BF during the night for awhile then for about a month, nothing between about 9a to 5p. She really likes to nurse at 5a (favorite one) and 8a then around dinner and bed, but is put in crib awake. I have regressed on the daytime bc she has been sick with a cold. How do I wean her? I am home with her, so I try not to offer but she does ask. There doesn't seem to be any self weaning. I weaned my other kids at 3 months so this is unfamiliar but I would like to be done in a month if possible. Ideas? Cold turkey??
She asks at home and out and about.
Just say, you're a big girl, here is your cup, then distract :-)
I don't have much to add except to please do not go cold turkey. That can be traumatic for her, and create new problems. She's nursed her entire life, help her to gradually quit. Drop the least popular session first, next week drop the next, etc. until you are done. If she asks, tell her later and distract her with a cup or toy. I weaned my oldest at 17 months this way, I don't think he even noticed we quit, it was so gradual. Easiest for both of us.
You can always say "Not now, mommy can't nurse you right now. Maybe later."
You don't HAVE to nurse her when she asks.....
Give her a sippy cup instead.....
Yes, she regressed because she hasn't felt well...... she was looking for the comfort she remembers....
When she comes up asking, do something else with her instead, but not so much a 'cuddly' thing..... sit down and play with her, build something with blocks, or something active.
Does she only ask at home, or does she ask when she is out and about and busy? | found with my boys when they were out and busy they never wanted to sit down and nurse, so while we were weaning I kept them busy. Stay away from places and situations where she usually nurses.
Start dropping one feeding every few days, starting with the daytime feeds and leaving her 5am feed for last. During the day, offer her milk or water in her sippy cup about a half hour before a normal nursing session and try to keep her busy. At this point, nursing is about habit and comfort, not hunger so don't feel too badly saying 'No' when she asks.
The other alternative is to go away for a few nights without your daughter and hope it's enough to break the habit.
My youngest I hate to admit was 3.5 years old. It was so hard for me to quit as well as he wanted. I tied my tubes, I knew he was my youngest and I kept saying next month from the time he was a year old. Finally, my husband said that is enough. No more, he's too big, and he was, but it was too hard to stop. I can't explain it other than that. I had to be firm and say no. My other two kids were done by 2 months when I went back to work, plus a little nipple confusion with breast and bottle so we just went to bottle. I was surprise when I did make it a year and just didn't want to stop.
You just have to make up your mind and stand firm.
Good luck, it was really hard for me to stop, especially the longer I let it go.