It's interesting that you don't want a sales pitch, but you are watching sales pitches on TV and you see it's confusing! Wellness is the next trillion dollar industry because the baby boomers are aging and because all of us are deficient in our diets. It's interesting that some people still say you can get what you need from your diet if you eat "right" - we have an abundance of fresh food year round, yet we are experiencing epidemic rates of diet-related diseases! The American Medical Association said in 2002 that everyone must supplement because our diets are deficient! Our soils are depleted, foods are artificially treated to make them look big and ripe while they are lacking in nutrients, and even "fresh" foods are picked weeks before and shipped for thousands of miles.
The AMA also said that LIQUID supplements are the best. Any dietician or physician who doesn't know this is not up on the research. And this is NOT new news! Most pills are not absorbed fully - there have been extensive news reports of undigested pills in the water supply, sewage treatment filters, septic tanks, etc. To test what you're taking, put a vitamin pill in a dish of white vinegar. Set the timer for 20 minutes. If there is still a portion of the solid pill, then that's what you didn't absorb if you put it in your stomach. Now, what DID you absorb? Just the coating (which contains wax or shellac to help it pop out of the mold during manufacture)?? Or actual vitamins? If some, which ones?
By trying to choose an individual nutrient (e.g. vitamin C, calcium), we are doing the exact opposite of what nature intended, which is that nutrients work TOGETHER in the body. Taking just one doesn't work if you aren't taking the other things that vitamin needs to be able to function.
So you need a liquid supplement that is totally balanced, that is absorbed into your cells within 20 minutes. You need to be sure it is manufactured in the US, and ideally has a US government patent to ensure that it is unique, safe and effective.
You are asking to hear from physicians - but ask them how many nutrition courses they had in medical school. The good ones will honestly tell you "zero" or "one but it was an elective". Their information comes from the pharmaceutical sales reps - talk about sales pitches! Their job is to sell sell sell drugs to the physicians, which treat symptoms but not the underlying cause. The result is the commercials you see - a pill for this, a pill for that.
Doesn't it make more sense to prevent the problem than to treat its symptom? That's why we're in the mess of everyone on pills - which make a lot of money for the manufacturer but don't really help the consumer all that much.
Please DON'T throw in a couple more pills - you will run the risk of getting too much of one thing and making yourself worse. Synthetic or natural, same story. People wind up in the hospital with problems because they are trying to dose themselves. Your best bet is to work with a comprehensive program from a food science company, one with proven results and clinical trials to prove their products' efficacy, and with strong customer support to help you. And they should offer a money-back guarantee.