The doctor you're looking for is a pediatric neurologist, although an opthomologist (when you say eye doc, did you mean opthamologist -actual doctor- or optometrist -not a doctor?) may be able to help in some cases... A head injury resulting in outward effect on ANY part of the body is overseen by a neurologist.
To keep in mind... These events may or may not be linked (sometimes we only notice things after an Event, that have actually been around for awhile), or may be linked in a weird way (like it may be a sinus issue or ear issue triggered by the fall), or may just be coincidental (same week as thing A happens, thing B also happens), or can be reverse-causal (fall caused by neurological problem).
Not saying I think you're wrong... Just that it might take awhile to sort out the issue, and it MAY be more complex then you think.
((Ex: after my concussion, my migraines have almost vanished. That MAY be due to the head injury. Good probability. But they MAY be linked instead to my life being so much less stressful since I left my husband. Who caused the concussion in the first place. Also a good probability. Or it may be that he caused my migraines with a trigger we didnt knjw anout -cologn, deodorant, guitar oil, whatever). good probability. Or it may be that the impact inblocked one of ghe foramen in my sinuses, allowing them to drain. Another good probability. Or (there are anout 8 more 'ors'.) In my case, it really doesn't matter. But in a case wherein you're trying to fix a problem... Untangling the strings can take awhile. ))
So while a Ped, then neurologist, then ENT, then ophthalmologist would be my route to start with... It may be a tropical disease or referred pain from a bowel movement. It will take some time to sort... But you're moving in ghe right direction!!!