I have a couple of small bruises on my knees and on my thigh for about 4 days now. I KNOW I didn't run into anything or bump myself into anything.
My knees did hurt for a little bit, but they seem fine now. I was just wondering if any of you know why I might have these. Am I lacking something? I'm getting a little worried now.
That sounds so familiar!! I'll wake up in the morning with a bruise that I have no recollection of, and it doesn't hurt. I know mine's not anemia, so I just assume that one of my kids caused it :)
Could be so many things.... most likely is Anemia. Least likely is Cancer. Really you are going to have to get a blood draw to know for sure.
I bruise easily,,especially on my legs. I don't need to hit or bump them on anything to get a bruise, but just leaning on something will leave one. If I lean across the table to reach something, it presses on my thigh and I get a bruise. I carried a big box out to the garage the other day and stopped to open a door and held it on my hip, and ended up with a bruise. I kneel or crawl on the floor, and get bruises on my knees. Sometimes they hurt a bit, but usually not. I take a baby asprin everyday and that can contribute to it, and I have regular check ups with my Dr, and mention it but all my blood work comes back fine. Some people just bruise easier than others. If you are really worried, then ask the Dr to run tests for things that cause bruising. It will make you feel better to know.
If you're really concerned call a doctor.
I have a very rare blood disorder that causes me to bruise all up and down my legs along with petechiae (little purple spots) on my shins, inside of my mouth, and various parts of my body. If you don't know what petechiae are look it up on google and see if you have any. It can be very serious if left untreated.
Most likely this is not what you have, but it never hurts to educate yourself...I didn't think I'd have it either. You also could be anemic and just need iron supplements. The only way to find out if there is an underlying problem is to get blood work from a doctor.
Hope your bruises go away soon!
I bruise quite easily and often don't remember bumping into anything, but as easily as I bruise a slight bump that I wouldn't remember is probably the cause. If you are concerned about this, though, it never hurts to have your doctor check it out and eliminate any fears of other causes.