Two Things I Learned Today

Updated on July 20, 2012
T.N. asks from Saratoga Springs, NY
35 answers

1) Never leave an opened beer unattended on the counter when you have aphids (fruit flies) in your house.

2) Never EVER attempt to peel a dozen hard boiled eggs when you're ALREADY in a short-tempered, frustrated, impatient kind of mood.

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answers from Columbus on

I learned that I no longer have to be friends with my kids' friends. My children are 5 and almost 8 and they've gone past the wanting Mommy to play with them all the time. Which is fine. But inside I'm saying, THANK GOODNESS because I hate all other children other than my own. There are a couple of neighbor kids who are rude and selfish and whose volume is always on '11'. Can't. Stand. Them.

But that's okay. They are my kids' friends. Not mine. I don't have to play with them or like them. At least they're not crass or lewd. They are pretty respectful in that aspect. But yeah, I really really don't like them.

Pshew. I'm really glad I can say that out loud. (grin)

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answers from Lakeland on

I learned to not take my daughter with me to Party City to get invitations and party stuff for her birthday. She was so overwhelmed and couldn't decide what character she wanted. And I forgot about the big candy isle, she wanted everything there.

I also learned that the price of food (wheat and corn) will be going up since there is a big drought here in the US.

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answers from Norfolk on

Maybe not a lesson, but I counted and learned my son says "Momma" about 15 times in a minute...I need a name change -_-

Another thing learned: never leave a one year old with three bottom teeth alone with a juice box (mini apple juice boxes) Her teeth are strong and the floor is a sweet treat for the dog.

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answers from Chicago on

I learned that I am a giant wimp and would never have survived the Pioneer days (for further details, see my morning post on the rabbit in my yard.)

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answers from Eugene on

I learned that there are people selling their College textbooks for cheap on Craigslist... I found a partially used workbook for $15 vs. $112 new. Made my day.

I also learned that if you are engrossed in Mamapedia and ignore the funny smell coming from the stove, that you will have to eat burnt rice for dinner.

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answers from St. Louis on

Aww hun, I could have told you about the beer. The only thing that works is keeping your beer by someone's glass of wine, they seem to like that better. :p

I learned my boss is amusingly stoopid. :)

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answers from Dallas on

I'm still learning that my 17 yr old daughter is very self sufficient as I took her to DFW today to fly to AZ and visit family.

She managed her check in and go through security like a pro ( well she is a pro at flying, usually not alone like she was today) and she promptly let me know when she was on the plane and when it landed so I'd know she is safe.

I'm so proud of her being independent and responsible as I've tried to teach and model but a big part of me misses my baby. I'm glad she has responded so well thus far with her independence and responsibility! She'll always be my baby!

I know she's going to be a plane ticket away when she heads to college. She's managing it well!

Laurie A. I admire you... I've followed your daughter through your post these years. As your daughter graduates.... Mine starts college!! You sound like a #1 mom!! Congrats to your daughter and you!

No regrets... My daughter is ready!!

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answers from Spokane on

Today I learned that having my 8 y/o away at camp all week isn't nearly as easy as I hoped it would be. I miss him like crazy and his little brother misses him even more! I know he is having a good time and I doubt he misses me (as much :) but I am so ready for him to come home!!!!!

I also learned that you should never try to run a *quick* errand during lunch hour. Nobody else was in a hurry :(

I LOVE peeling hard boiled eggs ~ weird, I know. I don't eat them (unless they are in salads) but I do love to peel them. I also love to crack crab and get every last bit out but I don't eat it either.

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answers from Dallas on

When you have left one car halfway to the lake and on the way back you think you left the cell phone on top of the boat, check the car thoroughly before you drive all the way back to the lake to look for the phone!

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answers from Austin on

TF made me blush! Thank you..
Our daughter turned 22 today.. She has a full time job has been offered 2 other jobs and has the possibility of getting an interview with a pie in the sky employer!!! How did this happen? Never underestimate your children. They really are listening to you through all of these years.

Today I learned that my husband responds VERY well to medication to help with his ADHD!!!!!! He has never been willing to try. And today he said it was like a fog had lifted. He is going to find a doctor to prescribe it for him!

I also learned that I can run this business by myself, even though I miss my business partner so much. I know she is watching over me. I got through a super tough day today and each client and employee was very pleased!!!!

This was a great question..

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answers from Washington DC on

I learned that my kids didn't do the laundry and now I need to re-wash it. URGH!!! (and they were getting sooo good at helping out over the summer!!)

OOOH YEAH!! I learned my side-swiped van should be back in my possession tomorrow or at least this weekend!! YAHOO!!!!!

I also found out that my boss appreciates me and one of our clients wants to pay to have me devoted to his recruiting needs full time!!! YAHOO!!!!

Sorry about your beer!!! That would suck going to take a swig and get a fly in your mouth!! YUCK!!!

peeling hard boiled eggs is a PIA!!!! Did you make something fun and yummy????

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answers from Chicago on

You crack me up Theresa!
Today I learned that if you let a 4 year old paint your toenails you will end up cleaning red polish off of your entire toes (and bright red polish leaves a bit of a stain on your skin).
My husband learned that wax paper is NOT the same as foil. How did he learn that? When he went to put something in the oven and discovered we were out of foil so he used wax paper instead. Guess who is spending their evening cleaning soot out of the oven, off the wall above the vent, and all of the cooking utensils and container that holds them that sits on the stove?! Hint: not me!
S.H. I think we are married to the same man! He is never wrong! Sigh.
Nancy- great tip! I know where I'm going for next semester's textbooks!

Edited to add
My mom learned the same thing with me when I was about 2! She used to say that the contents of my diaper was my favorite medium! LOL And trust me- that story will make for great blackmail when she's older! LOL

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answers from Phoenix on

Don't ask your husband to taste your appetizers you're taking to a party tonight when you already think they taste good. Because then you will just be pissed when he says they need *something* and then you end up leaving them they way they are anyway. =)

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answers from Columbus on

I learned that even though my kids took it upon themselves to clean their guinea pig cages and vacuum up afterward, they managed to leave about 100 piece of guinea pig poop all over the floor -- which taught me that they're clever enough to just turn on the vacuum and let it run so it sounds like they're working when they're really not. :(

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answers from Honolulu on


I needed a laugh.... hubby has been a royal pain in the rear since last night.
Gee, Men have PMS too or what? And they think they are NEVER wrong and that Moms/women are crazy. Well because we do EVERYTHING. I tell my Husband that and he says I must be the ONLY "crazy grumpy" Mom/Wife in the universe.
Oh, I should have ALL the MamaPedia Moms... chase after him lecturing him!

What did I learn?
well, that I didn't do the dishes last night because I was just too damn tired and went on strike. Thinking that SOMEONE will pitch in and do it.
NO. It was all still there this morning, since last night.
So of course, it was a grumpy morning.

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answers from Pittsburgh on

I learned that a rainy day at the beach beats ANY day at work!

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answers from Washington DC on

I learned that when you're in charge of a big function (in my case, a fundraising dinner at the pool tomorrow night) you need to delegate. I have so many people helping me, that aside from doing the Costco run and grilling a few hotdogs, I don't have much left to do! I also learned that I have some really great friends. Happy Thursday!

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answers from Jacksonville on

I learned....

1) Sometimes you will be blessed and your child will forget that you were supposed to go to the movies today...After yesterday, I needed a lazy day!

2) The expensive tea that I bought yesterday and had been feeling REALLY guilty about tastes absolutely fantastic and was worth every penny of delicious indulgence that it is! I never treat myself! I realized today: I DESERVE it!

3) That when you are making a bottle while trying to hold a 10 month old, bad things can and will happen....What a mess!

4) My daughter thinks that we breathe with "lumbs" and has the need to ask why we have to breathe.....and "because we need air or we'll die" is not a good response because it gets guessed it....WHY?!

5) That when my husband calls and says he is running 15 minutes behind...that really means about 40 minutes.... I forgot that he lacks math skills.....:P

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answers from Cleveland on

i learned how to check my oil :)

and how to be flexible, dear God get me though this and keep a smile on my face, I love children really i do , I love a whole housefull of them that aren't mine, smiling smiling smilng.

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answers from Portland on

I learned that the cat *does* catch on.

Kitty is in decline and we changed his food. First couple of days were good, but today he decided that he's having "none" of that. Had to mix in some of the old food with the prescription food. We'll see....:(

I *also* learned that telling my son "let's see if the gymnastics are on for the Olympics" was stupid. Mainly because they haven't started yet. Kiddo was disappointed until we put on a Reading Rainbow dvd from the library.

As for me, I'm very excited that he's interested in gymnastics!

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answers from Denver on

1) finish my coffee before I leave the house to drop off my overly talkative son (this morning was a rant about getting a frog while I was not functional and short tempered)

2) its easier for your kids to dress in their shorts and tshirts the night before you have to leave the house early. (this was their choice not mine and you gotta pick your battles right)

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answers from Los Angeles on

On a funny note, do NOT allow the little one to hold a toy in his hand while going potty...unless you are prepared to fish it out :-/

On a scary note, that one study found that children who eat more than 12 hot dogs per month are significantly more likely to develop childhood leukemia than children who do not. My little guy doesn't, but with BBQ's and such a child could reach this limit easily.

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answers from San Francisco on

Oh Theresa I hope you didn't get a mouthful of fruit flies!!!
And if you did I hope you opened another ice cold beer and drank it before the flies could get to it :)
Hmm, and what did I learn today?
That every single member of my family, except me that is, my husband, 19, 16 and 13 year old kids, all have real jobs that pay REAL money.
This morning when my 13 year old showed me what she got paid for her last babysitting gig, I thought, so much for my diaper cakes on etsy I should be doing THIS!!!

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answers from New York on

That is really easy to cut a letter "S" backwards on fabric...

That as difficult as it is to catch a 4 year old launching herself from the top of the bus steps, it is all worth it when she snuggles close and say you always catch me Mommy, I love you so much...

A strategic ride around the block gets me 45 minutes to get work done (aka at 4 1/2 she still sometimes falls asleep in the car).

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answers from Austin on

I learned that my son is smarter than I am about some things. He tried to teach me what a shaded-pole motor is. I didn't understand, but at least I know he's been reading and comprehending.

And tinker toys are still as fun as they were when I was a kid.

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answers from Tyler on

TF made me tear up a little! Our babies are getting so grown! Today I learned that it is actually impossible for my 17 yr old to make her own good luck gifts (wonder how that will play out in college!) and I learned that watching silly old movies with my 2 favorite teenagers can still make me giggle and cry. Loving my summer with my girls!

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answers from Muncie on

Do not nap while my nearly 6 year old has an open package of crackers. For some unknown reason she up-ended them on the carpet and decided to make cracker confetti.

It is not a good idea to assume she's just playing outside when we've had a recent thunderstorm. She has a kiddy was empty..l now have a pile of sopping wet three days worth of Boo clothing in the back step and a bug bitten nudist all pink polka dotted. Yes, it took her three self appointed changes before she decided to pool nude. She raided the laundry basket that I had out waiting to be filled with the next load of clean laundry. Which is now re-drying because of her little hands rummaging around in it.

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answers from Bismarck on

I learned that a shot called a "WonderWoman" tastes J. like those awful candy things that you dip the stick into the sugar and suck it off...the blue ones! Blech! Awful
And, I also learned that all my years of hard work have paid off! My 16 year old son has developed an awesome work ethic. After 12 hours on an open swather in 100 degree heat, he's still willing to go work concessions to support his Close Up group for their trip to D.C. next year! :)

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answers from Chicago on

My son has been at my parents (4 hours away) for the past week (picking him up tomorrow).......My 2.5 year old daughter has been an only child this week and it's been very un-chaotic. Last night when we called our son (every night at 8) my daughter was a little crabby so I asked my son to talk to her and cheer her up - they started just talking silly and giggling back and forth.......I learned the CAN be buddies!! I know they love each other but when they are both home they instigate each other, etc.!

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answers from San Francisco on

Today I learned how to make Mexican rice and the best shrimp ceviche.

And that my children cannot be trusted with open packages of anything even remotely sweet laying around the house. Actually, I lie, I knew that before today :)

Steph H - I love peeling eggs too and not eating them. I also love seeding pomegranates. They are ok to eat, but I could pluck those little seeds out for hours! I'm a nut... I know.

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answers from Missoula on

I learned that those annoying dance movies are great ways to keep a toddler entertained, and get her to exercise! Step Up 2 was on TV, and my DD was up and dancing like crazy through the entire movie. I was worn out just watching her. lol.

I also learned not to trust my DD if I think she is napping until 3:30... she still wakes up at 3:00, and spends the other 30 minutes painting her room... with the contents of her underwear...

Also... just a tip... if you dump the eggs into a bowl of water that is about 1/2 full ice when you take them off the stove, they are MUCH easier to peel! The cold water makes the eggs inside shrink a bit, so they pull away from the shell. :)

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answers from Washington DC on

not one thing.
i've been up for over 2 hours and i have not improved my brain in any way whatsoever.
i guess that's a sign i need to get off MP and get out in the world, isn't it?
peeling eggs is one way to guarantee that i'll GET in a frustrated short-tempered mood!
:) khairete

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answers from Washington DC on

I learned that my two year old's summer camp teacher is teaching her to ask for a "inside pet"! instead of her colors and ABC's...

I also learned that I need to take more time for myself!

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answers from Chicago on

I learned how to cook something new that tasted awesome.

@ Jackie P - we were also at Party City today. My daughter went right for the Rapunzel stuff, but wanted every single decoration, toy, or anything with her face on it.

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answers from Milwaukee on

i learned to day that i don't think there are enough hours in the day...could i add on at least 4 more?
i really didn't learn that today -i learn that every day!!!!

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