Sometimes people pull their questions because of privacy concerns. They've gotten enough feedback and they know what they're going to do, and don't want to leave evidence behind for someone who knows them to realize who they are.
Sometimes people don't want too much of their lives to be on this site because of various reasons. And they remove some of what they write.
Some people write ridiculous stuff and then go in and change what they've written to make it sound more or less normal. You can usually tell by the answers which DON'T go away what they've done.
And some people are like one of the posters you're talking about. She changed her name twice, with the word "silly" being in the first two, to using the F word and the B word. Too bad this ridiculous girl is having a baby. She will be an awful mother.
And yes, hearing that elective c-sections aren't given so that she and her husband will still like her va-ja-jay probably did hit close to home. It's pretty astonishing that she thought no one would talk about anything other than whether the insurance will pay for it. It's not like this site is a google search. Writing that she's has never had a pelvic and doesn't want anyone to look at her down there and wants a c-section on demand is the kind of post that people will discuss ALL of what she wrote about.
It doesn't really matter if we answer their question once they pull them. People like this girl won't be coming back to the thread anyway.
I have no idea why the other person pulled her post. There was no discernable reason for her to...