I promise you, and I can't tell you when it will happen, but you will find that you understand that all the chaos and frustration and yelling and momma momma momma is just them learning how to be a good human and it won't frustrate you so bad.
I can tell you I had my moments of ripping my hair out and feeling like I was about to go postal on someone when I had my first 2 younguns. But now that I've had my last, I can tell you it's NIGHT AND DAY from the way I parented. Suddenly that fit, no longer got on my nerves because I knew it wasn't so that he could just throw one but that something wasn't right. And that poop all over him wasn't a vindetta to get me to shut down what ever I was doing just so I could clean him up, he was JUST as upset about it. And that whining he did when he wanted his way, really wasnt him being a brat but he was pushing my buttons so he could learn a boundary.
I don't know how it happened. But some day, and I hope its soon, you'll look at all that is going on and smile...because this will not last forever...and you'll be able to take a deep breath and deal...
As for supplements: St Johns Wort is what I took for a while with no adverse effects (that was ages ago so that may have changed now) and I find that if I'm active I seem to keep a clearer head about what's going on around me. I also find that if I don't take ME time, no one's going to give it to me. And it IS OK for you to say that you need it in order to function. Heck, even God took a day off.
As for activities for "cabin fever" me and mine always made tents/forts/etc in the living room with blankets and such and had picnics in the floor of the living room and we pretty much went outside even if it was for 5 minutes, every day when we lived in Ohio (they were as young as 5 and NB then).
I'm sending good thoughts your way.