The Pooping Nightmare

Updated on March 27, 2012
J.M. asks from Hackettstown, NJ
3 answers

Here I am again. 3rd time writing on here regarding POOP! I never knew in my life my worries or general topic of conversation would be about poop! My son started his new pre-school March 1st and has been there 17 days and has had 9 pooping accidents. He refuses to tell anyone. He won't even tell me!!! I keep a close eye on him and if I notice signs I can get him on the potty, but at his school it is different. There are 3 aides and 1 teacher with 24 kids. Great ratio but they can not focus on one childs bathroom behaviors. They have been very helpful trying to take him more often than the other kids but it isn't working. He is doing great in his new school and absolutely loves it! The teacher also said he is doing great with the exception of the pooping! I have tried a rewards chart and it has been empty and he doesn't care. I am so nervous every day thinking they are going to pull me aside. I think it's really up to him now. Does anyone have any suggestions or has anyone else been in a similar situation?

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So What Happened?

Sorry I didn't list his age previously, he turned 3 at the end of January. I actually got the dreaded email from his teacher that I was anticipating. We basically have until the middle of April and if his habits do not change we will have to put him somewheres else until he can control his bowels! Thank you everyone for your advice it is really helpful to know that other people are or have gone through similar situations. I feel that I pushed him a little too fast but I just thought everything else was going so smoothly that this would too.

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answers from Albany on

Level with the child. Be frank and inform him that he will be unable to attend the school he loves if he cannot use the toilet. One more inappropriate pooping incident and he will leave preschool. Do it without making it a big deal.

He may not be ready. You do not give us his age. My sons were 3.5 years and 3.75 years old before they were done with daytime diapers.

Then keep him home until the new term in September and try again. Maybe his body will be more mature and he will be potty trained.

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answers from Santa Fe on

Well, this is very normal for his age. He is in he age 3? He just might not quite be totally ready yet and just needs more time. Our son potty trained at 3 and a half, but at age 5 he would sometimes have pee or poo accidents at school. We asked him why this was happening and he told me he just didn't want to stop what he was doing to walk down the hall and use the bathroom. At age 5 they can really tell you what is going on...Well, once he told us this we sat him down and told him he would be punished/have consequences one he got home if he had one of these accidents at school. And then after we told him this and his teacher started reminding him to go use the bathroom, the accidents stopped. Perhaps the exact same thing is happening with your son- he is having so much fun and is so busy doing something that he does not want to stop and take the time to go use the bathroom. I don't think you should necessarily give a 3 year old consequences for this though...because perhaps he really is not fully potty trained yet. Does your preschool have a "must be potty trained rule"? Does your son know that if he poops in his pants at school that he will have to leave preschool? Perhaps if he knows this he will make more of an effort.

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answers from Austin on

I hate to say this, but it could be he is just not ready to be totally potty trained. Then add in a new environment, new schedule. people stressed about his potty habits.. He is only 3.

Our daughter walked unassisted at 6 months.. Yes, really.. She was speaking in full sentences by 1 year old.. but she just could not get the hang of potty training until she was 4..

Not for the lack of me and her teachers trying.. We realized she was on her own schedule.. When she was ready she was "trained in 2 days".. we never looked back..

So maybe you need to consider hanging back.. give him a rest.. This can really stress young children out.

Hang in there.. He will catch on..

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