Yep well, my Husband as well, like Jennifer H. below said, my Husband teaches both my kids, who are 5 & 9, about computers/tech things/making video movies themselves, etc.
They can start at any age.
My Husband is tech savy and it a Tech guy, anyway.
But my kids both learn computer things in school, too.
Look online for free "lessons."
Google search it.
Or enroll them in classes for kids.
Ask an Apple store, if they have classes for kids.
To create Video games, you need the software & applications to do it.
These can cost a lot of money. And there are many types.
So you have a lot to research.
Or if you know anyone with tech knowledge locally, then ask them.
Using an Apple/Mac computer, is great for these things. That is what many Developers use themselves. Because, many of the apps, are for the iPhone/iPad etc.
To make games for apps... you also need to pay. It is a many faceted and multi-pronged process.
I suggest, signing them up in a class.
There is just SOOOOO much to know and learn, to do computer programming and development for games.
And yes, it is very technical.
But yes, kids can learn. Just like adults.
And it takes learning it from many sources. Books, classes, and experimenting yourself.
Look into your local area, for classes.
And have your kids, along with you, research it. Because, that is how they will learn.... along with their own initiative.
It is a huge area, to learn.
My Husband spend HOURS, learning programming, Even if he learned it in school. It is ongoing still. Computer Programmers, always are experimenting on their own too. Because the industry is always changing and the technology.
Your kids will need, ideally, a computer on which to play around with and experiment with. I suggest a Mac computer.
But that is just a real scratching the surface thing.
You want a machine, on which THEY can work on.
Keep in mind, computer "programming" is very.... not easy.
It takes lots of learning.
And if you want to design games... this also takes a TON of learning... and experimenting. And even if you create a game... then you need to find out how to put it on the market and via what method.
My Husband designed games. Apps for the iPad type things.
It took months, to completion and it takes, money.
Ditto Jo W. as well.
There are TONS of things, to learn.